A bill that will increase fines from $6,000 to $10,000 for individuals found guilty of placing an elderly person (over age 65) or a dependent adult in a situation where death or great bodily harm is likely has been signed by Governor Schwarzenegger. The bill, which will take effect January 1, 2010, will also increase penalties for those placing seniors in dangerous situations that are not likely to cause death or great bodily harm.
The new law was supported by Sen. Jenny Oropeza, who acknowledged that “Elder abuse for far too long has been a hidden, pervasive and deadly crime where out of 5 million recent cases, a shocking 84 percent went unreported.” Under the new law, she said, “California’s senior citizens and their families will rest easier knowing that my new law will help protect them from abuse.”
Source: Long Beach Press-Telegram
The Southern California elder abuse and neglect lawyers at Walton Law Firm LLP represent individuals who have suffered abuse or neglect in the hospital, nursing home, or residential care setting. For a free and confidential consultation call (866) 607-1325.