The U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) compiles reports on nearly 15,000 nursing homes scattered throughout the U.S. The inspection reports cover nearly 118,000 deficiencies at those homes. Although the CMS publishes these reports online, it is an enormous amount of information to try and analyze for consumers and professionals alike. Enter Nursing Home Inspect.
We’ve touched on it before, but it is such a helpful new tool that it’s worth reiterating.
Nursing Home Inspect is a new app whose search engine makes it easier for consumers to search the CMS reports and get a better picture of the instances of “deficiencies” at nursing homes throughout the country. These apps are a crucial way that local residents can be better informed when making decisions regarding nursing homes. Nursing Home Inspect’s search engine allows one to search across all of the reports available by keyword, city and specific nursing home names; options that the CMS web site does not offer.