In mid-August, Families for Better Care released its first “Nursing Home Report Card,” which is part of a “project that analyzes, compares, and ranks states’ nursing home quality.” On the California report card, our state only earned a “C” grade, coming in at 28th place in the United States. In fact, the report card stated that “rampant problems plague California nursing homes as 9 out of 10 facilities cited a deficiency.”
What is Families for Better Care? According to its website, Families for Better Care is “a nonprofit citizen advocacy group dedicated to creating public awareness of the conditions in our nation’s nursing home and other long-term care setting and developing effective solutions for improving quality of life and care.” The non-profit group is located in Florida, but its aim is to expose and improve nursing care across the country.
When Families for Better Care released the report card, California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR) emphasized that our state only earned an “average score” on the whole, and in fact earned “D’s in registered nursing hours, deficiencies, and inspections.” What does this mean for your elderly loved ones? In short, many family members may not be receiving the care they need at a nursing home or assisted-living facility. The nursing home abuse attorneys at the Walton Law Firm have experience with these issues and can speak to you today.