
Articles Posted in choking


Los Angeles County Nursing Home Accountable for Choking Deaths

Elderly nursing home residents are at increased risk of certain injuries due to age-related factors, as well as medical conditions that are common among older adults. In addition to dealing with reduced bone health and fall-related fracture risks, as well as risks for injuries like bed sores among older adults…


Who is Liable for a Choking Injury or Death in a Nursing Home?

Serious and fatal injuries can happen at nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Los Angeles County for many different reasons. Some of those reasons involve intentionally bad acts, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse toward elderly residentsĀ or willful deprivation of elderly residents. Under other circumstances, older adults can sustain…


Nursing Home Negligence and Choking Injuries in Orange County

Many nursing home residents in Orange County and throughout Southern California, as well as at assisted living facilities in the area, require help with activities of daily living (or ADLs). Activities of daily living include things like getting dressed, bathing, using the bathroom, and eating. Help with ADLs does not…

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