As recent wildfires began to spread quickly in various parts of Los Angeles County and throughout Southern California, many residents of nursing homes and assisted-living facilities in affected areas were evacuated. According to data from the California Department of Public Health, nearly 1,000 residents of nursing homes and residential care…
Articles Posted in California nursing home abuse lawyer
Recognizing Elder Abuse During the Holiday Season
Whether you have already made one or more visits to a loved one in San Diego County during the holiday season or you have plans for an upcoming visit, it is a particularly good time of the year to be on the lookout for any signs of elder abuse or…
Who is Liable for a Choking Injury or Death in a Nursing Home?
Serious and fatal injuries can happen at nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Los Angeles County for many different reasons. Some of those reasons involve intentionally bad acts, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse toward elderly residents or willful deprivation of elderly residents. Under other circumstances, older adults can sustain…
Who is Accountable for Falls in Nursing Homes and Assisted-Living Facilities?
When a resident falls at a nursing home or assisted-living facility in Los Angeles County, who is accountable? And, perhaps more importantly, who is liable if the fallen resident does not receive quick and effective assistance, ultimately resulting in their injuries worsening? According to a recent report in The Washington…
What is Nursing Home Negligence in San Bernardino County?
Anyone who has an elderly parent or relative who resides in a nursing home or assisted-living facility in San Bernardino County should know about the risks of nursing home abuse, neglect, and negligence. Generally speaking, older adults in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities can be at risk of injuries from…
Understanding Vulnerability Among Orange County Nursing Home Residents
Seniors in Orange County nursing homes and assisted-living facilities, as well as older adults throughout Southern California, are more vulnerable to forms of abuse than younger people. Indeed, elderly nursing home and assisted-living facility residents can be subject to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as passive neglect —…
LGBTQ Older Adults Face Abuse and Neglect
Whether it is in Riverside County or elsewhere in Southern California, it is critical for friends and family members of older LGBTQ adults who reside in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities to be at severe risk of injuries from abuse and neglect than others. Indeed, according to a study published…
Traumatic Brain Injuries in San Diego County Nursing Homes
When an elderly loved one requires care outside their home, it is important to find a facility that can meet your loved one’s needs and ensure that they will receive proper care so that they do not sustain preventable injuries. Yet, risks of falls in nursing homes and assisted living…
For-Profit Nursing Home Dangers in Orange County
When you are searching in Orange County or elsewhere in Southern California for a nursing home where your elderly loved one can obtain the level of care they need, it is essential to do as much research as possible and to choose a facility that can provide what your family…
How Does Language Impact Nursing Home Care and Injuries?
Does the language spoken by a caregiver at a nursing home or assisted-living facility in Riverside County have an effect on the quality of care a resident receives? Do nursing homes and assisted-living facilities need to have caregivers on staff who speak the same language as the residents and who are familiar with the linguistic and cultural…