
Should I Report Nursing Home Abuse in San Diego County or Initiate a Lawsuit?

Monitoring an elderly loved one’s safety and well-being in a San Diego County nursing home can be exhausting, and it is not a role that friends and family members should have to fill. However, given that nursing home abuse and neglect is unfortunately common in Southern California skilled nursing facilities. As such, it is often necessary to learn about the signs and symptoms of various forms of nursing home abuse and neglect when you have an elderly parent or other older relative who lives in a nursing home or assisted-living facility. Yet it can be difficult to know what you should do if you are worried about abuse when you see potential signs of negligence, abuse, or neglect. Should you report the abuse? Should you investigate further yourself? Should you seek advice from a San Diego County nursing home abuse attorney? 

Many people feel uncomfortable initiating an investigation of any type in the event they are mistaken about abuse. Yet it is critical to remember that it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to addressing concerns about nursing home abuse and neglect in Southern California. Generally speaking, you should not decide between reporting the abuse to authorities and initiating a lawsuit. Instead, you should be thinking about reporting your concerns and seeking advice from an attorney who can help.

Seeking Advice From a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in San Diego County

Anytime you have concerns about nursing home abuse in San Diego County, you should never feel uncomfortable discussing your concerns with an elder abuse lawyer who can evaluate the situation and help you to determine if you should take additional steps to file a claim against the facility. Our firm has years of experience representing California seniors and their families in nursing home abuse injury and wrongful death claims, and we can speak with you about your concerns and assess the situation based on the facts of the case. We can also tell you if we think an investigation is necessary to gather more information.

Reporting the Abuse to Adult Protective Services

Just as you should always feel comfortable reaching out to a nursing home abuse lawyer, you should always report elder abuse and neglect if you have even the slightest concern or inkling that something is wrong. Although your report and a resulting investigation might not yield any clear findings of abuse or negligence, it is better to make a report than to stay silent. And even if an investigation does not show abuse, you should still discuss the case with a lawyer who can help to determine whether the investigation was sufficiently thorough.

To report abuse in San Diego County, you should contact Adult Protective Services at 1-800-510-2020.

Contact Our San Diego County Nursing Home Neglect Attorneys

If you have any questions or concerns about nursing home abuse or neglect in Southern California, it is always a good idea to seek advice from an experienced San Diego County nursing home neglect attorney who can advise you about taking steps to protect your elderly loved one. We can assess your case today and can discuss options for filing a lawsuit against the skilled nursing facility, a specific staff member, or another party depending upon the circumstances of your case. Contact the Walton Law Firm to learn more about how we can assist you.


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