
Articles Posted in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect


When Private Equity Buys Nursing Home, Residents Lose

“Cost-cutting is to be expected in any business, but nursing homes are particularly vulnerable. Staffing often represents the largest operating cost on a nursing home’s ledger. So, when firms buy a home, they cut staff. However, this business model has a fatal flaw. “Nurse availability,” Gupta and his colleagues wrote,…


Hospice Fraud and Nursing Home Abuse: What You Should Know

While hospice fraud in Riverside County and elsewhere in Southern California is not new, California has been attempting to crack down on hospice fraud over the last year. Indeed, according to a report from ProPublica, hospice fraud has been drawing more attention recently, and it is linked to nursing home negligence…


Identifying Nursing Home Abuse in the New Year

Nobody wants to think about the risks of nursing home abuse in Riverside County or elsewhere in Southern California, but nursing home abuse and neglect do occur with relative frequency and can result in debilitating and life-threatening injuries among older adults. When you have an elderly loved one in a…


Resident-to-Resident Nursing Home Abuse in San Bernardino County

When most of us think about nursing home abuse in San Bernardino County, we think about instances of physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, or even sexual abuse. Many people also know that passive neglect, which can result in serious resident harm, can lead to a nursing home abuse and…


How Can I Prove Nursing Home Negligence or Neglect in Riverside County?

Nobody wants to think about the risks of injury that an elderly loved one could face in a nursing home or assisted living facility in Riverside County. Yet nursing home negligence and elder abuse and neglect are more common than you might expect. As a result, seniors in nursing homes…


Steps to Take if You are Concerned About Nursing Home Abuse in Los Angeles County

It can be difficult to know what to do when you have concerns about an elderly loved one’s safety in a nursing home in Los Angeles County or elsewhere in Southern California. Whether you are visiting a family member in a nursing home or you have other reasons for suspecting…


Nursing Home Neglect and Infections in San Diego County

Nursing home neglect can take many different forms in San Diego County. In some cases, a senior in a nursing home or assisted living facility might be harmed as a result of willful deprivation, where a staff member refuses to provide the senior with the medications, medical devices, or care…


Heat-Related Injuries in Orange County Nursing Homes

Southern California experiences year-round high temperatures, but the summer months can be particularly intense in Orange County. People of all ages can experience heat-related injuries due to exposure, but older adults can be particularly susceptible to heat-related injuries as a result of their increased susceptibility to dehydration and health complications.…


Nursing Home Restraints: Can I File an Abuse Claim?

Nursing home restraints in Los Angeles County and throughout the state of California can only be used in certain circumstances, and they are generally not appropriate in cases where a lack of restraints would be sufficient to provide a nursing home resident with the care they need. If you have…


What Causes Bed Sores in San Bernardino County?

When nursing homes in San Bernardino County fail to provide adequate care to residents who are confined to their beds or have trouble with mobility, those residents can develop bed sores. While early stage bed sores can usually be treated effectively, bed sores that worsen can result in debilitating and…

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