
Articles Posted in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect


Poor Performing Nursing Homes Not Included in Federal Program

A report being released today by the Government Accountability Office finds that the federal program designed to identify and scrutinize the country’s worse nursing homes is missing many of the poor performers. The Centers for Medical and Medicaid Services has identified about 136 nursing homes nationwide that are considered “special…


After Years of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect, Mother Kills Daughter then Self

After 15 years of bouncing from nursing home to nursing home, and living with the indignities, the mother of a quadriplegic and brain injured daughter had had enough. On Sunday, September 13, Diana Harden wrote a note to a television news station exposing the problems she encountered trying to care…


Mandatory Arbitration in Nursing Home Malpractice Claims Challenged

There is a growing movement to ban the common practice of requiring nursing home residents to waive their right to file a lawsuit in claims of negligence, abuse, or neglect in favor of arbitration. Last week, several consumer advocates testified before congress and criticized the practice of “forced arbitration.” Public…


California Nursing Home Gets Highest Medicare Rating

We write enough here about nursing homes that commit acts of abuse or neglect, so we thought we’d mention one that is being recognized for providing good care. A California Filipino-American owned nursing facility received a five-star rating from the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US…


Nursing Home Administrator Charged With Felonies in Drugging Case

The administrator of Kern Valley Hospital was charged eight counts of felony elder abuse this week after permitting caregivers to forcibly administer psychotropic drugs to residents out of convenience and not medical necessity. One resident died because of the practice. Since 2006 the director of nursing at Lake Isabella nursing…


Health Department Orders Nursing Home to Serve Restaurant Food

It’s not uncommon to hear nursing home residents to complain about the quality of the food being served. The Nevada state health officials decided to do something about it. A routine survey last Tuesday by the health department of a North Las Vegas nursing home found some very serious food…


Nursing Home Hit with Big Fine After Death

A Tracy, California nursing home received a $100,000 fine and a AA citation, the state’s most severe, after it was determined that the death of a 78-year-old resident was due to nursing home malpractice. The nursing home staff failed to monitor the woman’s medication and failed to send her to…


Santa Monica Nursing Home Death Results in AA Citation

Los Angeles – The death of an 88-year-old nursing home resident has resulted in an AA citation and a $100,000 fine, the most severe penalty that can be imposed by California regulators. The California Department of Public Health issued the penalty after it concluded that nursing home resident’s death was…


San Bernardino Nursing Home Fined After Resident Suicide

The Del Rosa Villa nursing home in San Bernardino received the state’s harshest citation after investigators concluded that inadequate care led to a resident’s suicide. The California Department of Public Health issued a AA citation and a fine of $90,000. According to reports, on June 11, 2009 a 52-year-old resident…

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