This story makes one wonder what would happen if a hidden camera sting was done in every nursing home. The attorney general of New York placed a hidden camera in a single room of a long-term care facility, which resulted in an indictment against nine nurses, the nursing home, for…
Articles Posted in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Juries Slamming Nursing Homes for Neglectful Care
There has been a string of large verdicts against nursing homes for poor care. A few months ago, a Northern California jury returned a verdict of over $600 million against a nursing home chain for deliberately understaffing its homes and putting residents at risk. Two weeks ago an Orange County…
Nursing Home Verdict Rattles Long-Term Care Industry
The AP has a story out today about the Skilled Healthcare Group verdict in Northern California, where a Humboldt jury awarded a class of plaintiffs $677 million dollars for what it determined was chronic and deliberate pattern of understaffing at its nursing homes that left elderly residents at risk of…
Orange County Jury Awards $3.1 Million in Nursing Home Case
A resident of St. Edna skilled nursing facility in Santa Ana (a Covenant Care facility) was awarded $3.1 million by an Orange County after the jury found that the nursing home failed to recognize that the resident was overdosing on morphine. The jury also found that the nursing home acted…
Six Nursing Home Employees Arrested for Shocking Prank on Elderly
It was announced this morning that six nursing home workers were arrested for playing a cruel prank on several residents at the Valley View Skilled Nursing Facility. According to a release from the California Attorney General’s office, the employees applied a slippery ointment cream over the bodies of seven elderly…
Investigation into Chemical Restraint of Elderly Nursing Home Residents
San Diego’s 10News I-Team has conducted an investigation into what it is calling the chemical restraint of elderly residents of nursing homes. That is, using anti-psychotic drugs not necessarily for their prescribed use, but to control behavior in residents who otherwise wouldn’t be candidates for the drugs. The investigation profiles…
$114 Million Verdict in Nursing Home Abuse Case
A jury has awarded the family of a 76-year-old nursing home resident $114 million for egregious nursing home abuse and neglect. The family’s lawsuit against the nursing home alleged that the staff knew Juanita Jackson was at a high risk for falls but failed to take preventative measures. She fell…
Understaffing Blamed in Nursing Home Death
Johnnie Esco, age 77, was hospitalized because of pneumonia, and her husband of 61 years was at her bedside every day. When she recovered, she was sent to a local nursing home for physical therapy, to help her regain her strength, and then she was headed home, where she wanted…
Hospice Patient “Elvis” Entertains Fellow Patients
“Elvis impersonator Donald Trapani is about to leave the building. But not just yet.” So begins an article in yesterday Arizona Republic paper about hospice patient Donald Trapani, who spends his days entertaining his fellow hospice patients with his impersonation of Elvis Presley. What a nice story. READ THE ENTIRE…
Abuse of Disabled in Nursing Homes Not Treated as Crime Study Says
Disability Rights California, a non-profit that advocates for the rights of the disabled, recently released a report finding that the physical abuse of disabled adults in nursing homes are frequently not treated as crimes. The study analyzed 12 cases, including the following • For months, a middle aged nursing home…