An article in The Modesto Bee reported yesterday that Donna Darlene Palmer, former head nurse at a Placerville nursing home, will stand trial for felony elder abuse. Palmer and Rebecca Smith are the two nurses criminally charged by the California Attorney General for their involvement in the death of a…
Articles Posted in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
“Senior Gateway” Aims to Educate Seniors and Their Families
The Sacramento Business Journal reported today on a new website that the California Department of Insurance launched in order to help educate California seniors. The article highlights a few aspects of the new site called “Senior Gateway”, but once you visit the site, you see that it has a lot…
Do I Have a Claim?
A vast majority of the public has little if any knowledge regarding whether or not he or she has a claim for damages in the event of an accident. Often, the mentality of injured individuals is simply, “I’m hurt. I want money. Now who can I go after?” The key…
Administrators Must Now be Wary of Criminal Charges for Acts Under Their Watch
The recent sentencing of a former nursing home administrator from a Lake Isabella facility is sure to send shockwaves throughout the nursing home community. Channel 17 KGET news recently reported that Pamela Ott, a former nursing home administrator, was sentenced to three years probation and 300 hours of community service…
San Diego Nursing Home Neglect Profiled on NBC San Diego
NBC San Diego recently did a story about the ProPublica online research tool that allows prospective nursing home residents and their families to investigate local nursing homes. As part of the story, two legal cases of nursing home abuse were profiled, including one from Walton Law Firm. Attorney Randy Walton,…
ProPublica is Launching a New App: Nursing Home Inspect
Many of us have heard tales of elder nursing home patients wandering beyond facility bounds—only to be found hours later by police or local citizens. Sometimes, nursing home staff have no idea that the individual was even gone. There are other stories, including the inspections done by Operation Guardians, which…
Rampant Neglect Found in California Nursing Homes, Report Finds
A recent study has found that California nursing homes are in poor conditions, according the Los Angeles Times. Conducted by Operation Guardians, a project of the Department of Justice, the review discovered widespread health and safety problems in the elder residences. Yet, the California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR)…
Two Elderly Men Repeatedly Abused At Assisted Living Home
A news report in The Star-Ledger again highlights the danger of abuse against elders suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Two residents at an assisted living home in New Jersey filed a lawsuit last week based on injuries they sustained in 2010 due to suspected abuse. Though only two residents…
Understaffing Cited as a Major Source of California Nursing Home Abuse
According to a recent report by All Voices, understaffing is a prevalent problem in local nursing homes. Our San Diego nursing home abuse attorneys know that understaffing at Southern California nursing homes is a serious issue because it has consistently been shown to lead to increased instances of elder abuse…
Nurse Arrested for Stealing Elderly Patient’s Medication
Our San Diego nursing home abuse lawyers know that both federal and state law guarantee elderly patients certain rights and protections, including the right to adequate medical treatment and care, as well as the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Those protections include the right to be free…